13 September 2024


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What are the key predictions in the business aviation market in the region, in terms of growth, challenges and opportunities?

The Middle East remains a key hub for business aviation and plays an important role in our global network as we continue exploring opportunities to expand our capabilities and meet the evolving needs of our customers.

Why is the Middle East considered an important growth market for your business?

Data shows us that the Middle East continues to be an important region for business aviation, with activity still showing an increase on pre-Covid levels. Jet Aviation has had a presence in the region for over 40 years, and we have many long-term customers across all lines of business. Our local presence and experience allows us to foster and prioritize these personal and long-lasting relationships, often over generations, and we are committed to continuing to evolve our services in the region in support of this.

Are there specific geographical regions where you see significant opportunities for expansion or exploration? How is the appetite from Saudi Arabia and India?

We are exploring the growth opportunities in Saudi Arabia, and we fully support the country’s Vision 2030. As a global business aviation infrastructure and service provider, it is an exciting opportunity, and with 43 years in Saudi Arabia, we are well placed to bring our global expertise to more regional growth and development of the industry. Our customers and partners trust us to provide seamless business aviation solutions, backed by the support of our hubs in the region and globally, and we bring that reputation and established know-how into every location we operate.


We are also seeing increased interest in seamless maintenance services from customers in India, as well as Africa. Data show an increase in business aviation departures and maintenance opportunities from India, and we are seeing more requests for our on-site maintenance service packages from both regions. As one of the largest operators in the Middle East, we have experience supporting our customers wherever, and whenever, including at our bases, on AOG requests, and with teams at their own bases throughout the region.
Which technologies do you anticipate will have the most significant impact on the business aviation industry over the next five years?
One of the most exciting technologies we have seen in business aviation maintenance is the use of drone and AI in visual inspections. Our facility in Basel launched inspections using drones in 2023 for non-regulated services such as PPI inspections of external aircraft structure, paint quality checks, and inspections in insurance or warranty cases. In May 2024, we announced that we had received approval from the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) for the use of automated drone and AI technology for General Visual Inspections (GVIs) by images. These inspections can provide the customer and the maintenance teams with a detailed, paperless report of an aircraft that comes in for maintenance, and reduce downtime for PPIs.
This technology is particularly interesting as it is new in the business aviation industry, and reflects Jet Aviation’s commitment to innovation, reimagining what is possible in our industry to grow our capabilities and provide our customers with even more effortless, efficient services. We are also able to support customers in acquiring this technology for use in their own fleets, anywhere in the world.
What aspects of this year’s MEBAA Show are you most excited about? Are there specific individuals or companies you hope to connect with?
As always, I am looking forward to reconnecting with customers and partners from the region and beyond. MEBAA is a fantastic opportunity to share news and updates, and see what’s next in the industry.
What initiatives have been introduced or will be introduced focused on sustainability and how does it align with the aviation industry's growing focus on environmental responsibility?
We see increasing interest from customers in sustainability and are committed to supporting our industry’s efforts towards a more sustainable future through the choices we offer our customers, how we develop our infrastructure, and how we involve our employees.
We provide a physical supply of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in locations where it is available in close proximity. We currently offer SAF on-site in Van Nuys, California, Bozeman, Montana, Scottsdale, Arizona, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and Singapore. In locations where it is not yet possible to introduce on-site SAF, we offer Book & Claim.
In Basel, our completions team introduced a bio-based resin in production of non-structural composite parts for VVIP aircraft cabin interiors in 2023. The resin is produced from up to 25% plant origin biological sources and can be sourced local to the Basel facility, reducing the overall environmental impact when compared to traditional epoxy resin.
In addition, our flight teams worldwide are offering customers more sustainable solutions during their journey, for example, recycling, local catering, or reduced plastics in-flight.
Across our network we also have a number of initiatives underway to reduce our footprint, for example, building and renovating in line with regional and international environmental standards, using electric vehicles, and solar panels e.g. installing some 12,000 square-meters of solar paneling at our facility in Singapore in 2023, introducing electric vehicles in FBO operations, and implementing an energy-saving campaign at our headquarters in Basel.
Our people are also a key part of our efforts. Our volunteer ‘Green Team’ regularly meets to review initiatives across the business and promote them where necessary, and we encourage employee-led activities such as biking to work, ride sharing, and recycling.
Are the needs and preferences of clients in the Middle East market different Do you need to tailor your products and services for the region?
Our long-standing presence in the region means that we have developed a deep understanding of our customers in the Middle East and are able to ensure seamless operation, whatever service they require. Over the past few years, we have seen our customers focus more on value as experience and quality, and they are looking for a trusted partner who can offer this with the backing of a global network, and the local expertise to support in the often complex regulatory environment in the region.
With over 55 years of experience in the business aviation industry, some 50 locations worldwide, and five complementary lines of business, we are able to leverage our capabilities from across our network in service of our customers and provide them with both local insight and global expertise, across a wide range of services.
Do you want to share more details on your organization's plans and strategies for the region moving forward?
The Middle East continues to be a very important market for us, and we are committed to developing our presence and services to offer seamless support for customers in the region.

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